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$1,000.00 Birth Service Package Includes:

Free Consultation 

I encourage this as an opportunity for us to become acquainted and see if I can help meet your birthing goals.

I respect your choice of a doula as an important decision and there is no expectation to hire me at this time. I encourage interviewing with other doulas to help determine who you feel most comfortable with.

Phone & Email Support 

After you have hired me as your doula, I will be available to you via phone and e-mail 24/7! You are always welcome to call or email me with questions or concerns!


2 Prenatal Visits 

During the prenatal visits we will have the opportunity to discuss any particular concerns or thoughts you have about the pregnancy and address any fears and/or concerns about your upcoming birth. This is also a great time to practice pain coping techniques such as breathing and visualization. You may choose to create a birth plan which we can review together to make you feel more prepared and confident. You may feel completely prepared and so choose to spend one of your two visits getting an aromatherapy foot or hand massage! The direction of these two visits are really up to you and your partner


During labor 

I will stay with you to provide support for as long as it takes to have your baby! During this time I will provide encouragement and support through: coping techniques for contractions, breathing techniques, affirmations, massage, acupressure, aromatherapy, visualization techniques, position changes, and more. 

After the birth, I help to settle the room, getting everyone something to eat, taking pictures, and help with the initial breastfeeding. 


Postpartum follow-up visit

The postpartum visit primarily deals with newborn care information as needed including lactation support. Here, I will also provide resources for any particular challenges you may be having.


Payment plans and discount pricing available.

As a Doula, I  Do Not:

Perform any clinical tasks

It is important to remember that doulas are not medical professionals. Doulas do not deliver babies or perform any clinical tasks such as vaginal exams, fetal heart monitoring, or administration of medication. Furthermore, doulas are not certified to give medical advice or diagnose medical conditions. All medical responsibilities will be handled by your OB or midwife. 



Make decisions for you 

As a doula, I will help inform and educate you so that you may make your best decisions, but I will not make decisions for you that will effect the outcome of this very personal experience.

Speak to the staff on your behalf

As your doula, I will know your individualized birth plan  and work to help you make sure your wishes are respected. However, as I doula I am not allowed, nor should I be able to, speak on your behalf. All verbal requests must be voiced by you or your partner during your transition into parenthood. 

Community Referrals


Photo Buzz Photography

Brittany Solari



Taylor Family Chiropractic


Project any of my own beliefs onto your experience

As your doula, I will never judge you based on the decisions that you make during your labor and delivery. In other words, I will not allow my personal values and/or biases to get in the way of caring for you. It is my job to ensure you have the best birth possible based on YOUR specific needs and wants. 

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